My name is Samantha Mariko, PR/marketing by day and DJ by night. Originally from Orange County, California, I made the bold decision to move to Tokyo almost 10 years ago with the intention of starting a modeling career and have been here ever since. I made my DJ debut in 2016, and in 2018, I started working in PR and event production. I’ve also done MC & translating/interpreting work for various clients including NYX Cosmetics, Jergens and Lauren Roth, and have previously narrated for NHK World’s Kawaii International for 2 years. My hobbies include reading, singing, making music, anime and Japanese calligraphy.

カリフォルニア州、オレンジカウンティー出身のDJ&PR・マーケティングです。モデルキャリアをスタートするために、10年前にカリフォルニアから日本へ移住しました。2016年にDJデビューをし、2018年からPRやイベントプロダクションのお仕事もさせていただいてます。また、通訳や翻訳のお仕事もさせていただいてたり(NYX Cosmetics, Jergens, Lauren Rothなど)、2年間 NHK World Kawaii International のナレーションもやらせていただきました。趣味は読書、歌、楽曲制作、アニメと書道です。

5 fun facts about me to get to know me better:

  1. I was not always a “fashionista,” and I didn’t always care about how I presented myself.ずっとお洒落してたわけではなく、再従姉妹に初めて眉毛を整えてもらった以来、お洒落人生が大きく変わりました。This all changed when my mom’s cousin, whom I look up to as my older sister, told me to lie my head down on her lap as she plucked my then-bushy eyebrows to perfection. I was 13 years old at the time. From that day forward, I started wearing makeup, put in more thought and consideration in how I dressed, and of course, continued to maintain my eyebrows. She literally changed my life.
  2. I’m half-Japanese, half-Caucasian. 日本人とアメリカ人のハーフです。Even though my dad used to say, “You are not half anything, you’re a whole person,” I still consider myself as being half-Japanese & half-Caucasian since my mom is Japanese and my dad is an American of Anglo-Saxon descent. It’s just easier that way.
  3. I have a Bachelor’s degree in piano performance from UCLA. カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校でピアノ科を専攻し、文学士号を取得してます。Yes, I used to play my Beethoven Sonatas and Chopin Etudes, but Scriabin was my favorite.
  4. I love reading. 読書が大好きです。More than I love watching movies. If I could afford it, I would stay at home and read all day. But if I had to choose a favorite movie, I would choose Pride and Prejudice (2004) hands down. I’ve watched it too many times to count.
  5. Moving to Japan was probably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. 日本に来る決断は一生後悔しません。Moving to a completely different country alone and immersing myself in a different culture than the one I grew up in has helped me grow significantly as a person and see the world in a much broader perspective.

To get to know me even better, check out my blog post, “10 Things You May Not Know About Me.”